Reveal the Divine Purpose of Your Life
Whether this is your first visit to our site, or you’re a returning visitor, we’d like to thank you for believing. We are professional Psychic Readers in Cassadaga, Florida with many years of experience and since the year 2000 we have been serving with unique abilities that allow us to help others on their own path to self discovery, happiness and love; and we are willing and ready to help you. Together, we will journey into your past, current and future issues to find the answers you are looking for. Contact us to begin a serene and cleansing experience.

WE have always been very spiritual people; We believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. Blessed with the gift of connecting with the outside world we have the opportunity to connect our clients with their universal current.
Our focus is to bring forth awareness and healing through love and to teach others how to open up their spiritual potential.
Locate us in Cassadaga, Florida, next to the Cassadaga Hotel.
During the year of 2010, Raven Star purchased two homes in Cassadaga, Florida. One of the two homes she acquired in Cassadaga, Florida memorializes George P. Colby and is a museum of Mr. Colby's legacy. George P. Colby was a man from New York who, around the year 1875, opened the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp here in Volusia County, Florida.
The community is small, quaint and quirky. Cassadaga may appeal to adventure seeking tourists who visit the area. Local inhabitants of the area surrounding Cassadaga may also frequent the Spiritualist community. The Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp has a temple dedicated to Mr. George P. Colby named "The Colby Memorial Temple."
She had to purchase the home. Since, she has been happily enjoying her stay in Cassadaga, Florida. She moved here from Garden Grove, California where she participated practice in the O.T.O. (what is this?)
She befriended renowned occult authors and practitioners who graciously allowed her to study alongside them. At the age of twenty-eight, she opened both an apothecary and metaphysical bookstore on Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, California. Also, she was a cast member of a popular reality t.v. series about the history of witchcraft.
We live truly, according to that which many a charlatan unfortunately portray. We invite you to Cassadaga, Florida, "The Psychic Capital of the World!"

Get back to your balanced self with a common psychic service. Clients work towards an alignment of their minds and souls, getting in touch with their own spirituality. We work with all of my clients on a deep, emotional level, to understand exactly what they require out of my services. Get in touch with us today to see what we can discover.

Go beyond the conscious mind with this unique psychic service. Clients will learn about the Ouija board while the two or more of us sit around the board, finger tips on the planchette, posing question’s and watching as the planchette connect’s us to another side. We carefully work with all our clients to prepare them for a safe and wonderful experience.

In this psychic service we will explore symbolism. By understanding the physical and non-physical universe and the psychological and psychic make-up of those within it, we can be transformed and make our dreams come true. A fascinating journey symbolically represented in the Tarot.

An event that recreates the elegance and mystery of a classic victorian seance. Call for more information.

Cleansing has become one of the most popular services in Cassadaga Florida, with clients from near and far scheduling sessions with us. During this special service, clients will be able to connect with their own spiritual guides and angels, to form a connection with the divine world. Curious to learn more? Contact us to see how you can benefit from this refreshing experience.

Astrology is a pseudoscience which still has a popular following. Albeit Astronomy and Astrology parted ways long ago, the correlation between Kabbalistic principal and astrological prediction connects numerous topics giving a truly complex reading. A caveat to the knowledge empathic communication discovers.

Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp is a community in Volusia County, Florida, adjacent to Lake Helen, Florida. The camp has a property ownership association program which residents within and around the Camp participate.
The community resembles a retirement community. It is quiet and peaceful. A few parks, gardens, and rest areas accommodate the Camp.
The Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp hosts guest mediums and psychics from around the world. Holding a church-like service on Sunday mornings and offers a complimentary brunch after service. The members of the camp teach classes about various metaphysical topics.
The founder, George P. Colby, traveled the countryside practicing and preaching his faith during the Civil War era. Guiding by Indian words he landed in central Florida where he set up camp. Naming the area Cassadaga, meaning, "water beneath the rocks." Today it is still a place of spiritual knowledge.
People who perpetuate and honor the tradition of Spiritualism, and the many facets surrounding spiritualistic advancement, pilgrims for greater understanding at Cassadaga. The same goes for the beautiful Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and the history of Cassadaga, Florida.
All of my information opinionates from articles and literature about Spiritualism and the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp located in Cassadaga, Florida. I have attached the link to the Wikipedia article associated with the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and would encourage you to read the contents therein. Visit the southern historical site known as Cassadaga, Florida. LOVE!!!!!!!!
I've had many readings but Raven is the greatest psychic by far. She picks up on the most interesting details while doing psychic readings. I bombarded her with lots of questions but she answered each of them and at no time I felt like she was rushing me to be done with my reading. I came to her very anxious and left feeling a lot lighter and happier. She didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what she really saw in the reading. She provided insights and great advices for upcoming events. Raven is very compassionate and sensible and she made me feel at home. Raven didn't put a time to her reading, she would take all the time in the world until I left satisfied with my reading. I definitely recommend her!! Thank you so much Raven. God bless you!!

Johann Gottlieb Fichte
"By mere burial man arrives not at bliss; and in the future life, throughout its whole infinite range, they will seek for happiness as vainly as they sought it here, who seek it in aught else than that which so closely surrounds them here - the Infinite."
Your Questions, Answered
What we see is in your "Peripheral Energy", as we call it. It filters over into the mind's eye of our energy as we tap into the evolving door of your thinking, dreaming, living and being existence. We call the image's and associated feeling that come to mind throughout the duration of our session, "Peripheral Energy" and "Peripheral Feeling". We realized later in life that similar phenomena is labeled psychic.
The session actually last an hour but really it is an ongoing correspondence between the people we meet and ourselves. We intend to keep contact with you. We care not to regulate each meeting we schedule prior rather allow the meeting to happen. Come see!
Yes, any of our reading's are via telephone. We'd prefer to meet in person but indeed accommodate.
We accept donations.