Tues. Sep 29th 2020 3:56 PM
I Had a dream 2 astronauts with small helmets on ....were on the bottom of the ocean shrubs about one Foot and 1/2 of another foot tall ... , there was a very long crack with bubbles comming out of it ....it went for a mile Or 20 miles or more I couldn't tell....there was A reddish orangish yellow glow comming from the long crack.... Somebody yelled get away from the crack .One of the astronauts moved very quickly the other astronaut just stayed there, and in the dream I thought why isn't he moving????? I went closer and looked at his eyes and head he was to my shock boiled to death ???? And I thought why is this big crack in the earth....???? And I thought why is it so fiery🔥 first in the Earth 🌎 then I thought what if the land and water cracked apart and flew in outer space????? Then I woke up .....WELL??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN THIS DREAM ???!HMMMM I THINK IT MEANS ......ITS TRYING TO TELL THEY aren't as concerned ABOUT THE PANDEMIC....THEY ARE IN A RACE FOR OUTER SPACE THEY they are conditioning THE PLANET TOO AND GETTING RID OF WEAK LUNGS THEY WANT HEALTHY LUNGS FOR OUTER SPACE.......THEN I LOOKED ON YOU TUBE THEY SIGNED PAPERS WE GO TO THE MOON 🌝AND NOT MARS ...MARS IS FOR RICH GUYS LIKE ROCKETS....l THEN LOOK YOU TUBE ...AND THEN I REALIZE THEY DONT CARE ABOUT PANDEMIC IT'S DONE ON PURPOSE CULL PLANET AND ONLY GOOD LUNGS LEFT ???? RACE FOR OUTER SPACE THEN GET THIS IM LOOKING YOUTUBE MORE..... AND SOME SCIENTISTS SAY EARTH BREAK APART IN 100 years then another scientist say 10 years and another one say he thought it would have been broken apart 2 TWO YEARS AGO ... EARTH BREAKING APART THEY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW THEY RATHER SIDE TRACK OUR THOUGHTS WITH THE PANDEMIC AND IGNORE REAL ISSUE WHAT THEY ARE REALLY UP TO AND RECONSTRUCT SOCIETY ...........,..LOVE ALWAYS RAVEN🌎 STAR...🙏💙💙🌎RACE FOR SPACE👀👀👀🌎👀👀👀👀🌎👀👀👀🌎👀👀👀🌎👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
