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Thursday, October 19th 2023 @ 5:36 p.m. EST

darlings hello and salutations from Cassadaga Fl. many beautiful miracles and gifts of everlasting love are being bombarded to us through the universe only if we will just take time to accept and enjoy the roses....first of all we have to think self how are you self and shake your own hand as though you have never met your self before now what would you think is good for you stop drinking stop smoking stop doing pills stop being judgmental stop down grading hominids next to you stop cussing lose weight give your self more money take a laxative or anti diarrhea or eat more fruit or less meat or get more nutrients clean your house wash your animal get a new car a new house a new job a new love count your vitamins meditate stop drinking so much coffee or any thing else that we can blame for being condescending or bitchy about others......... let us-take a deeeep breath and let go of some of our daily vices and minor addictions that affect us and make us anxiety if we do not have this our realmic existence you know and wouldn't you really really like to enjoy the precious miracle of life just existing and being and appreciating your neighbor your loved ones your children your friends speaking very highly of all with no negativity of anyone being not well well to any one or degrading them in any way......then as of such letting go of vices and being surrounded by beauty and becoming as we would call pure light energy we can let in the spirit of peace love God and feel the energy and communication and thoughtfulness of other vibrations of energy and call it what you will label things what you will but just feel and peace and communications of other peaceful love and refreshing beautiful energies in the universe, our solar system.............................................


2 comentarios

29 ene

How to identify a hominid? My aunt told me I was given the psychic gift but I am doing something not able to use my gift. My Quebec grandmother read people future with just plain playng cards so I bought cardomency cards . My house in ME is 250 yrs old haunted had paranormal team to investigate and they caught lots of things but the spirits said “ we don’t want her here “ I believe it because I have been thrown out of my bed twice which my sister witnessed the second time and she is always being poked. I also believe the man I married 45 yrs ago is evil and attached to that home as he di…

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Ramona Rhae
Ramona Rhae
20 oct 2023

I think I am trying to work toward this, and have special moments with nature, but the most I hope to reach is some stillness and peace of mind. I have early childhood trauma and my brain/body is different. I don’t know how to feel any other way and don’t really grasp how how others feel different. What you said makes me feel like I can at least learn to feel peace. I hope to see you sometime. I am saving up. Thank you for writing.

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P.O. Box 177
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+1 386 259-0292


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