Mon Apr 10 7:53 PM
fellow earthlings:
let us try to consume probiotic and live enzymes a little bit more although for everlasting life my theory on how to live forever sssssshhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you you could eat nothing but Hershey's candy bars and live forever .........oh well, let's not waste time on our discoveries and move forward right away !! I hope you are beating a trail to my front door....It's very exciting discovering new entities on this planet and discussing all of your equations. It's fantastic to help change paths and lives bringing on awarenesses and making communications....It's like a beautiful refreshing breeze to meet all of you ....I started to practice my "psychic" ability around 8 years-old because my mother foresaw the neighbors house burn down who lived about 16 miles away from she drove over there and it was ok, but the next day it burned to the ground.....I've always tried to connect to that type of knowing since I was very young I believe my mother had the gift and so do I....I love my experiences in life and I have to cherish that and remember we build our own future....but sometimes people in daily life can sure bring us down :: we have to bubble it out they do not exist in our world if they are not fair honest and kind ....stay away from thieves.....a thief will steal more than your money or your items they will take everything from you and down you and slander you too, why ???because they are envious or jealous be careful there are a few good people out there but remember God flooded the earth.....not all humans are trying to be good some are deceitful you have to stay aware but happy. Bubble your-self and don't let them make a fool out of you !! well things just come to me to say and its just a message ....LOVE ALWAYS < RAVEN STAR