Tue May 2 12:26 AM
Goblins, Monsters and Ghouls. Real or not real ??
You ask?? Well, real of course!! So, be very very nice to our gorgeous creatures. Self to self mystery of kisses and wonderment of all creatures great and small. The spirits know how you think and feel about things to the center of your soul :: nothing is hidden.....DO YOU DELIGHT ?? DO YOU LOVE ?? DO YOU HAVE GREAT JOY ?? Acceptance, cherish all existence and life forms in this dimension and the next. They know who you really are. You know Fallen Angels, Ark Angels and nephilim are the watchers; The Giant Skeletons of the Earth : yes they are real....aliens real....dragons that are far more intelligent than people and have them for pets... For real.........etc.........be super sensitive of your surroundings because your never know who is watching
and caring how you are treated and treating your surroundings .....and remember those who are kind are protected....LOVE ALWAYS , RAVEN STAR 93