Mon Jun 26 3:00 AM
I dont really like it when people say, "good luck" or "blessed be".
Because, when they say "blessed be" I think of it as such a personnel thing between you and God I think it is really no one's business to go that deep in saying "blessed be" so carelessly because I hold it, this "blessedness", as sacred but they just throw it around so loosely that I feel it looses it's sacred meaning. I take it very deeply and serious to actually be blessed by the Lord.
Nor do I like the concept of "Luck". We are the makers and breakers of our own destiny through CHOICE Not to be determined as "good luck' or "I hope you get lucky".
I don't believe in "Luck".
I believe in CHOICE and I believe in sound decision.
I actually believe in being blessed by the Lord and dont speak of blessing as luck or chance.
It is because we are good soul's and God will know it and God will understand it.
I think that everything is more or less a "scientific equation of CHOICE.