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Sat Jul 8 9:57 PM

Sit-Tight Creatures,

Now I have something to tell you all about something that happened to me, a little spell of a time ago and that is in the past year, I believe that I have theoretically found the origin of the "witchcraft squares" and I would say it comes from ancient before Atlantis and the latest I can tell it has some what originated with the Hindus. Now it was before Abraham and Sarah in the Bible and after of course but it doesn't show up with, I believe, with the Muslim, the Jewish or the Christian but I find it in the Dionoysis of the Pagan, the Abermelan mage and the Hindu which to me for some reason doesn't make a whole lot of sense because I dont really connect Pagan with Hindu..

Do you ?? I need to further research this but another origin of the "witchcraft squares" was Enoch and who was Enoch? He was one of the most powerful prophets of the bible according to the Mormon Church, anyhow why they use/reference an Ethiopian bible's book IDK nevertheless, um...

So, we have Enoch and we have the most powerful prophet in the bible, he was also a half-breed of the Nephilim or the Fallen Angels which means they found the earth women exceedingly fair in the bible so he is a half-breed, he cannot pro-create just like when a horse and donkey make a baby and the mule cannot pro-create the Fallen Angels could not pro-create either. Look up the skeletons on internet if you'd like to review further. My point is studying the language of the angels, Enoch was taught the communication platform which included the squares referenced by the Hindus, Abermelon and the Pagans. The point here is the religion of the Hindu which is divided into parts one which the ayurvedic, medicine and the three others which im not sure of anyways the point here is that the Hindu religion is very controlling and just the norm to do magic-spells with mantras, tantras, yagna the burning of pictures and the chanting of affirmations etc and calling upon the "Jin" well low and behold guess who the "Jin" are?

The "Jin" are the spirits of the Fallen Angels. The Fallen Angels which in this earthly dimension we think no longer exisit but im sure they exisit somewhere just like the Aliens do etc and why should we know? Who do we think we are?

My point is the other religions were magical and controlling shall we say utilized wishful thinking and not especially of Free-Will like what they said jesus means the one who sacrificied himself for your sins and died upon the cross to give you choice and Free-Will as they say but my conclusion to all of this is Jesus was a very very nice boy. The religion that exisited on the earth before Jesus made a new one called christianity were actually more controlling demanding magical etc and not of exactly Free-Will and you might say the Jesus religion or Christianity was of more of a gentle kinder pure love and not Goetia, calling upon the spirits.

Well Goodnight, thank you.

Love Always Raven Star 93



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