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Thu Aug 3 4:18 AM


What in blue blaze's are you doing? What are you up to now?

Let us concentrate our energies. A minute is a long time so let us treat every breath, every glance every eye-wink and every step in high regards. Let us treat all of our emotions like a gifted-ordained ritual in this existence that we hold in high-regards. Let us fall into an abundance type thinking mind where we are always concerned for the wellness of all other living types of entities or creatures. Where we care, where we share, where we understand and where we love. If we are more in awareness of our psychological interactions with all living creatures there would never ever be any need or an existing factor of shall we say road rage.. I believe God gifts people that are SENSITIVE and that CARE and that SHARE and that LOVE. The more in awareness that you are and the more empathetic you are God will give you in Abundance, Knowledge, Scientific-Equations, and Secrets of The Universe. I believe it is true when God says, "the meek and sweet people shall inherit the earth..." I think that people, that shall we say like to hurt other peoples feelings and be mean to other people or are jeleous of other people, their claim to fame is usually to just be a bully. A bully is a bully probably because they feel out of control or maybe they are control freaks, I do'nt know but I think it is very un-evolved to be a hominid and to hurt small animals, have road rage and attack other people. It's un-evolved and un-spiritual and not nice.. Please be decent to each other..

Love Always,

Raven Star 93


P.O. Box 177
Cassadaga, fl. 32706


+1 386 259-0292


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