Mon Aug 21 11:10 PM
You might think
**Oh when am I going to meet my soul mate? When am I going to meet my twin flame?***
Well with all do respect to the Universe and her decision everything is done in Gods time...............
Be patient because it's all the same day and you never know what life form your supposed to affect:: you never know how you are supposed to be affected:: you never know the learning lesson to strengthen your soul, your power, your spirit. I believe that we are always Learning, Loving and Growing in this vast wonderful Universe. It is our gift and I believe that God wants us to be the very best and remember to fall into judgment will stifle your awareness of constant change... I thrice married to brilliant man. First alone by Grace and Joy of all that bridegroom unspeakable, second of these few was Art. Art had a very high IQ, over 200 it was off the Richter-Scale. He was a Genius. When I met Art all suitors had to fall by the way side. Art had passed away then a few companions and so strange how an in-between companion, between the second and third marriage had said, "God is not making me leave. Im doing it because I want to." I by experience am inclined to write he unknowingly felt that God was making him leave and by that message I felt that God was making him leave too. I won't ever know if he knew or didn't know my "Ignation Spirituality"...I believe God is involved in every major and minute process movement force form and decision occurring... I soon after met the third and perhaps last of these brillant men, Micah. I dreamed one night a voice saying, "you are queen of the Leviathan". Of course as was my first husband Micah comparitivley beyond reasonable measurment and like my first husband all others disappeared in an abrupt fashion. Since then I have accelerated, accelerated goals made long before my first marriage... So in conclusion I reiterate the point the lesson as :::Everything is in Gods time. Let GO and Let God.
Love Always
Raven Star 93