Thursday November 16th @ 1:53 a.m. EST
Greetings and Salutations Earth Creatures, It's been a long journey from the primordial soup to the petri-dish and the heavens and the hell's. What do you think you're supposed to believe in? Believe in yourself! There's only one place where you live and that is inside your own head so thus and henceforth let us all recognize our surroundings. What do you think about the economy? Paper, rocks and plastic is what the aliens got us used to in our currency. Now they're trying to get us use to air, cryptocurency, Bitcoin and comp coin they are numerical geniuses without a doubt and we cannot figure our way out of a paper bag psychologically . Our 401k we have to what?? put it in mutual funds and put it on the on the stock market :: we have to gamble with the retirement money hahaha Don't make me laugh... nobody thinks that this is odd in the land of Odd Fellows please, please I beseech you, I implore you, I beg you , recognize your surroundings ! yes God is all around us but we can't see him as they say but don't forget you may be entertaining angels unaware so please be very polite and courteous to yourself and others treat everyone and still you hold them in very high regards no matter who they are whether they are a homeless person or a rockstar or a president of a country no that they are all in sentient beings with feelings in a spirit and a soul. Love Always, Raven Star 93