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Wed Jan 2 2019 12:03 AM

1079 Marion St.

Cassadaga, Florida 32706


Father Times illusive New Year ushering in a new baby for the New Year but by the next year he's old man and dying just like all of our lives are an Illusion of Time.

Time is an Illusion; It's all the same day and energy never dies it just transforms. A body born small that grows big examples the Illusion of time. It’s a false pretense that doesn't exist to explain what we call Time because Movement and Mass moving are marked as an event also the Sun that gives light on the Earth is marking an event called Day.

Day-Light turning into Night is marking an event we call Day and Night. Energy gives way to Mass, Mass gives way to Movement and Movement is an illusion to make us mark an Illusion we’ve created and we call it time. Events taking place with Movement of Mass is an event. Once again we call these Events Time. There is no such thing as time. Its all the same day and when our bodies expire we feel time because of the growth of the body being young then getting big, growing old dying.

This change of our Mass we mark as events taking place these events make us feel an illusion of time its just movement in the void in witch we exist

When our bodies expire we never die.

When our bodies die that is an illusion also because energy never dies it just transforms.

Love Always,

Raven Star 93


P.O. Box 177
Cassadaga, fl. 32706


+1 386 259-0292


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